All Things Are Possible With God


     Catholic Faith Community

St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish


Thank you from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul  - January 26, 2025

The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Alphonsus-St. Clement parish would like to express its sincere appreciation for the overwhelming response to our 2024 Christmas Giving Program. Our goal was to give a $50 gift card to every child 16 and under on our list. Because of the generosity of those who purchased gift cards or made monetary contributions, including donations from the St. Kateri Giving Tree, we were able to surpass this goal! We distributed gift cards to 66 youngsters in our area, along with food and food certificates to their families. Surplus gift cards were sent to the Justice Initiative, St. Vincent de Paul's prison ministry that helps ex-convicts effectively transition into society. Many thanks to the St Alphonsus-St. Clement and the St. Kateri communities for your outpouring of love and compassion during this Christmas season!
As we close the books on the 2023-2024 fiscal period, we want to acknowledge the tremendous support we have received throughout the entire year. Through your generous donations in parish envelopes, poor box offerings, the Friends Walk fundraiser, and Giving Tree funds, we were able to provide significant aid to those struggling to navigate their paths out of poverty. Our conference spent nearly $13,000 on food, clothing, utilities, and furniture, plus another $10,600 on rent and temporary housing. We performed 330 service hours and traveled over 400 miles to minister to 465 individuals in our area. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us help those most in need.

Fr. Greg Retires

We are sorry to announce the retirement of Reverend Gregory Deters, member of the In Solidum team of priests of St. Alphonsus-St. Clement, St. Barbara, St. Kateri Tekakwitha and St. Maria Goretti, effective January 1, 2025.  Many of you may know Fr. Greg’s health has been declining over the past year.  He has been a priest for  over 37 years, serving in nine parishes, throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit.  Fr. Greg’s greatest joy has been ministering to children and building faith-based relationships with countless parishioners and their families.  We are immensely grateful for his dedicated service, leadership and inspiring counsel. 

Fr. Greg will be moving to Marycrest-Trinity Health Senior Community in Livonia. 

May God’s grace be with him always.

Thank you Fr. Greg for all you have done for St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish and for Allegria Village.

Click HERE to view photos of the reception held for Fr. Greg on Saturday, January 4th after the 4 pm Mass in Fr. Yagley Hall.

Online Mass from St. Alphonsus – St. Clement

We are thankful that so many parishioners are returning to mass. For those who are unable to attend mass in person we are continuing to livestream mass every weekend so you can remain connected with our parish family by participating in the mass online.

The 4:00 PM Saturday and 10:00 AM Sunday masses can be seen on our YouTube channel.  To view the current week’s masses or previously recorded masses click below for links to the livestream mass:

Online Giving

Online Giving


Catholic Services Appeal 2024 - With Eyes Fixed On Jesus

Target $37,164
Pledged $85,230
Refund Amount $48,066
229% of the Target has been met with
36% Participation (91 out of 252 solicited)
(As of 1/5/2025)
Thank you for your generosity, especially to those who have increased their CSA donations. Gifts to the CSA are not assessed; the amount above the target is returned to the parish; and next year’s target amount is not increased. If you have not pledged to CSA, please prayerfully consider your pledge amount. CSA pledges can be made until 4/18/2025. If you have any questions or need help with your pledge form, please contact the Parish office.
Thank you for your generosity!

Through CSA, more than one hundred services, programs and ministries are supported in our community. Any amount received above the target is returned to the Parish, is not assessed and does not increase next year’s target.

For more information click below:



Where We’re At by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator - January 12, 2025

Fr. Greg will be missed. The Archbishop graciously granted an early and appropriate retirement for Father. Serving in nine different parishes for thirty-seven years, Fr. Greg can be proud of his generous service to the Church and in particular, to St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish. His new residence will be at Marycrest Senior Community in Livonia. Because of the priest shortage, our parish will not be assigned another priest. The challenge is to find priests to say Mass with the new liturgy schedule. The weekend Masses, of Saturday at 4 pm and Sunday at 10 am, remain the same. Our weekday Mass times are now limited to Tuesday and Wednesday at 9 am. Confessions remain at 3pm on Saturday. Funerals can no longer be celebrated on Saturdays. All are to be scheduled at 11 am. The practice of Saturday evening Mass at the Allegria Village chapel cannot, at this time, be honored. We are working diligently to find priests who can serve there on weekends. Residents at Allegria, REMAIN as parishioners of St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish. Hopefully we can recruit a priest for them on a regular basis as soon as possible. (With all these changes, one can appreciate all the great efforts Fr. Greg offered over the years).

I want to encourage your participate in the liturgical ministries. To assist the celebrant, Eucharistic Ministers are needed to help in distributing Holy Communion. I am told we had them prior to COVID, but no longer. Please consider returning to that ministry. Also, bringing the Eucharist to shut-ins is a ministry that lacks volunteers. We have excellent Lectors, but always enjoy hearing the Word of God proclaimed with new voices. Watch and be inspired by the present ministers of the Word. Additional, servers are called for and can be of all ages and might even include married couples. Please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office if you would be interested in serving in the various parish ministries.

Parishioner’s generosity is quite noticeable from this past year. In particular, the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) and Christmas offerings are two areas that we can be proud of. Your steady and kind support of the parish offertory also points to a loyal commitment made to the parish. This spring we will continue work creating memorable spaces on our parish grounds. Special attention will be paid to pavers, honoring families and alumni of our schools. Stations, and the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, will be given special attention with a request for help from the Knights of Columbus. Look for more information in the weeks ahead regarding how you can participate.

May God Bless all of us in 2025!

Click HERE to read previous articles.

St. Alphonsus Heritage Garden - Preliminary concept - July 2023 - By Fr. Terry Kerner

Click HERE for the latest update.





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Parish Bulletins

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Detroit Priestly Vocations

Office Hours

Parish Office: 7469 Calhoun St., Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: (313) 581-5218 ~ 581-7495
Fax: (313) 581-4233

Monday – Thursday
9:00AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Church address: 13540 Gould St., Dearborn, MI 48126

ALLEGRIA VILLAGE CHAPEL (formerly Henry Ford Village):
15101 Ford Rd., Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: (313) 846-7712 ext. 1121

Mass Times

St. Alphonsus ~ St. Clement

Saturday 4:00 pm (Confessions @ 3pm)
Sunday 10:00 am


Tuesday 9:00 am
Wednesday 9:00 am

Allegria Village: Part of our Family in Faith


Our Priests

Parish Photo Gallery

  • Fr. Aaron with "Deacon Duffy"
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • The Rosary Group
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • The Rosary Group
  • Choir, Christmas 2017
  • St Alphonsus at night Easter 2016
  • Closing Mass at St. Clement
  • Lighting the candle, Easter 2017

St. Alphonsus Library

  • 000- The St. Alphonsus High School Library as it appeared when it opened in 1966. The library was housed in an addition on the south side of the high school building.
  • 027- Thank you to the volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony after loading the second truck.
  • 024- Thank you to the volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony after loading the first truck.
  • 001- The storage room in the activities building where the books were found, after half of the boxes of books were removed.
  • 003- Volunteers moving the boxes out of the storage room in the activities building.
  • 002- Library books and textbooks in the storage room in the activities building.
  • The boxes of books were loaded onto carts to move to the door.
  • 005- The carts for the school folding chairs were used to move the boxes of books.
  • 006- The carts of books were moved from the front of the building down the back hall behind the stage for loading into pickup trucks.
  • 007- On a cold November day it took three trucks and a small trailer making about five round trips each to move all the boxes to Fr. Yagley Hall.
  • 008- Half of the boxes filled a storage room in Fr. Yagley Hall. The rest of the boxes were stored in two other rooms in the hall.
  • 009- Fr. Anthony preparing to wrap a box. He wanted each box wrapped in plastic to protect it form water damage in the shipping container to Nigeria.
  • 010- The boxes were wrapped in several sessions over two months.
  • 011- Boxes staged for wrapping with finished boxes stacked behind.
  • 012- Fr. Anthony inspects the day's work of wrapped boxes.
  • Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 013- Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 016- Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 017- Fr. Anthony inspects the day's work of wrapped boxes.
  • 018- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 022- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 020- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 023- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 019- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 021- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 025- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the second truck.
  • 026- Fr. Anthony.
  • 028- Fr. Anthony prepares to take the truck to Chicago to the shipping facility.
  • 029- Update Aug. 20, the books loaded into the shipping container in Chicago, ready to go.

Come back to the faith! We will welcome you with open arms.

The Catholic Faith

Saint of the Day

St. Vincent Pallotti: Saint of the Day for Wednesday, January 22, 2025

St. Vincent Pallotti, Priest (Feast - January 22) Born in Rome in 1795, St. Vincent became a priest and dedicated himself completely to God and cared for souls. He dreamed of gaining for Christ all non-Catholics, especially the Mohammedans. To this end he inaugurated a revolutionary program which envisaged the collaboration of the laity in the apostolate of the clergy. But St. Vincent was also well aware of the many deprivations in the natural sphere that hindered the spread of the Faith. He ...

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St. Agnes: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025

St. Agnes of Rome was born in 291 AD and raised in a Christian family. Agnes was very beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Her hand in marriage was highly sought after, and she had many high ranking men chasing after her. However, Agnes made a promise to God never to stain her purity. Her love for the Lord was great and she hated sin even more than death!

Whenever a man wished to marry Agnes, she would always say, "Jesus Christ is my only Spouse."

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St. Fabian: Saint of the Day for Monday, January 20, 2025

Eusebius, born just a few years after Fabian's death, tells us how Fabian came to Rome after Pope Anteros died in 236. A layperson, and not a very important one, he may have come for the same reason many still come to Rome today during a papal election: concern for the future of the faith, curiosity about the new pope, a desire to grieve for the pope who had passed. Seeing all the important people gathered to make this momentous decision must have been overwhelming. Which one would be the new ...

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