All Things Are Possible With God


     Catholic Faith Community

St. Alphonsus-St. Clement Parish


Online Mass from St. Alphonsus – St. Clement

We are thankful that so many parishioners are returning to mass. For those who are unable to attend mass in person we are continuing to livestream mass every weekend so you can remain connected with our parish family by participating in the mass online.

The 4:00 PM Saturday and 10:00 AM Sunday masses can be seen on our YouTube channel.  To view the current week’s masses or previously recorded masses click below for links to the livestream mass:

Online Giving

Online Giving


Catholic Services Appeal 2024 - With Eyes Fixed On Jesus

Target $37,164
Pledged $85,230
Refund Amount $48,066
229% of the Target has been met with
36% Participation (91 out of 252 solicited)
(As of 1/5/2025)
Thank you for your generosity, especially to those who have increased their CSA donations. Gifts to the CSA are not assessed; the amount above the target is returned to the parish; and next year’s target amount is not increased. If you have not pledged to CSA, please prayerfully consider your pledge amount. CSA pledges can be made until 4/18/2025. If you have any questions or need help with your pledge form, please contact the Parish office.
Thank you for your generosity!

Through CSA, more than one hundred services, programs and ministries are supported in our community. Any amount received above the target is returned to the Parish, is not assessed and does not increase next year’s target.

For more information click below:



SPRINGTIME AT ST. ALPHONSUS - ST. CLEMENT PARISH - by Fr. Terry Kerner, Administrator/Moderator

Winter weather has been rough in many ways for Dearborn and across the nation. We have seen some new faces with visitors attending Mass and enjoying the Christmas season in our classic church with beautiful decorations. Even Bishop Monforton graced us by returning to his grandparents' church to celebrate Christmas Mass.
In January we received the sad news that our beloved priest, Fr. Greg Deters would be retiring. Father was granted an early retirement by Archbishop Vigneron for health considerations. Fr. Greg now resides in Livonia at Marycrest. Should you wish to send him a note, his address is: 15475 Middlebelt, Room 275, Livonia, MI 48154.I am sure he would appreciate hearing from you.
With the absence of a permanent priest we are hoping, despite the shortage of priests, to be able to fill the vacancy at St. Alphonsus - St. Clement. We cannot be certain that this will happen. Meanwhile we have been blessed with the very generous service of the Capuchin Fathers and the occasional help of Archdiocesan priests. We have been able to celebrate funerals, weddings, baptisms and anniversaries. All parishioners and alumni are encouraged to pray for the gift of a permanent priest for the parish. Without a priest this Spring, Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday liturgies will be celebrated with St. Kateri parish.
At the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday, we will see the baptism of five adults, two of whom were raised as Muslims. A total of twenty will receive Confirmation and share in the Eucharist. Those welcomed into the Church and confirmed in their Catholic Faith at Easter are from three parishes, St. Maria Goretti, St. Kateri, St. Alphonsus - St. Clement, of the Rouge Family of Parishes and have been under instruction and formation since last October. Folks in the program come from varied backgrounds and occupations including software engineer, legal aid, custodian, boiler operator, plumber, musician and senior at U of M. Five of the confirmation candidates are high school freshmen. Deacon Tom Leonard of St. Kateri has been their mentor and shepherd through their journey to Easter. The average age of the catechumens and candidates is twenty- four!
The parish has been blessed this year with very generous support from both parishioners and associate parishioners. The most dramatic example is the Archdiocesan Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). The assigned target from the archdiocese was $37,164. The parish raised $97,045. The support came from 91 donors or 36% of parishioners. Throughout the year alumni have given donations and certainly are appreciated. These donations and the sixty thousand over our parish target will allow us to continue making significant improvements around the parish. Thank you to all the alumni who have been so generous.
This Spring will see us placing the statue of Our Lady of Fatima facing the corner of Schaefer and Warren. Fatima has an important and reverent significance for Muslims and the statue recognizes that reality. Located in the highest concentration of Muslims in the US it is good to recognize our neighbors. We also will be erecting the Way of the Cross on the site of the convent. We are requesting donations from various K of C Councils for both projects. The site of the high school will also be nurtured as a garden with memorial pavers, benches and appropriate landscaping. Midge Savage and Dave Katona are spearheading the garden effort. If you would like to contribute in any way, give the parish office a call at 313.581.7495.

Click HERE to read previous articles.

Click HERE to view photos of the retirement reception held for Fr. Greg on Saturday, January 4th after the 4 pm Mass in Fr. Yagley Hall.

St. Alphonsus - St. Clement Heritage Garden - Spring 2025 Update

Click HERE for the latest update.





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Parish Bulletins

See how you can help


Detroit Priestly Vocations

Office Hours

Parish Office: 7469 Calhoun St., Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: (313) 581-5218 ~ 581-7495
Fax: (313) 581-4233

Monday – Thursday
9:00AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Church address: 13540 Gould St., Dearborn, MI 48126

ALLEGRIA VILLAGE CHAPEL (formerly Henry Ford Village):
15101 Ford Rd., Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: (313) 846-7712 ext. 1121

Mass Times

St. Alphonsus ~ St. Clement

Saturday 4:00 pm (Confessions @ 3pm)
Sunday 10:00 am

Allegria Village Chapel:
Saturday 4:00 pm


Tuesday 9:00 am
Wednesday 9:00 am

Allegria Village: Part of our Family in Faith


Our Priests

Parish Photo Gallery

  • Fr. Aaron with "Deacon Duffy"
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • Mass at the Henry Ford Village chapel
  • The Rosary Group
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles, December 12 -15, 2019
  • The Rosary Group
  • Choir, Christmas 2017
  • St Alphonsus at night Easter 2016
  • Closing Mass at St. Clement
  • Lighting the candle, Easter 2017

St. Alphonsus Library

  • 000- The St. Alphonsus High School Library as it appeared when it opened in 1966. The library was housed in an addition on the south side of the high school building.
  • 027- Thank you to the volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony after loading the second truck.
  • 024- Thank you to the volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony after loading the first truck.
  • 001- The storage room in the activities building where the books were found, after half of the boxes of books were removed.
  • 003- Volunteers moving the boxes out of the storage room in the activities building.
  • 002- Library books and textbooks in the storage room in the activities building.
  • The boxes of books were loaded onto carts to move to the door.
  • 005- The carts for the school folding chairs were used to move the boxes of books.
  • 006- The carts of books were moved from the front of the building down the back hall behind the stage for loading into pickup trucks.
  • 007- On a cold November day it took three trucks and a small trailer making about five round trips each to move all the boxes to Fr. Yagley Hall.
  • 008- Half of the boxes filled a storage room in Fr. Yagley Hall. The rest of the boxes were stored in two other rooms in the hall.
  • 009- Fr. Anthony preparing to wrap a box. He wanted each box wrapped in plastic to protect it form water damage in the shipping container to Nigeria.
  • 010- The boxes were wrapped in several sessions over two months.
  • 011- Boxes staged for wrapping with finished boxes stacked behind.
  • 012- Fr. Anthony inspects the day's work of wrapped boxes.
  • Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 013- Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 016- Volunteers from the parish and friends of Fr. Anthony wrapping boxes.
  • 017- Fr. Anthony inspects the day's work of wrapped boxes.
  • 018- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 022- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 020- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 023- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 019- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 021- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the first truck.
  • 025- Volunteers from the parish, Knights of Columbus and friends of Fr. Anthony loading the second truck.
  • 026- Fr. Anthony.
  • 028- Fr. Anthony prepares to take the truck to Chicago to the shipping facility.
  • 029- Update Aug. 20, the books loaded into the shipping container in Chicago, ready to go.

Come back to the faith! We will welcome you with open arms.

The Catholic Faith

Saint of the Day

St. Constantine: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Constantine was king of Cornwall. Unreliable tradition has him married to the daughter of the king of Brittany who on her death ceded his throne to his son and became a monk at St. Mochuda monastery at Rahan, Ireland. He performed menial tasks at the monastery, then studied for the priesthood and was ordained. He went as a missionary to Scotland under St. Columba and then St. Kentigern, preached in Galloway, and became Abbot of a monastery at Govan. In old age, on his way to Kintyre, he was ...

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St. John Ogilvie: Saint of the Day for Monday, March 10, 2025

Born in 1579, John Ogilvie belonged to Scottish nobility. Raised a Calvinist, he was educated on the continent. Exposed to the religious controversies of his day and impressed with the faith of the martyrs, he decided to become a Catholic. In 1596, at age seventeen he was received into the Church at Louvain. Later John attended a variety of Catholic educational institutions, and eventually he sought admission into the Jesuits. He was ordained at Paris in 1610 and asked to be sent to Scotland, ...

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St. Frances of Rome: Saint of the Day for Sunday, March 09, 2025

Frances was born in the city of Rome in 1384 to a wealthy, noble family. From her mother she inherited a quiet manner and a pious devotion to God. From her father, however, she inherited a strong will. She decided at eleven that she knew what God wanted for her -- she was going to be a nun. And that's where her will ran right up against her father's. He told Frances she was far too young to know her mind -- but not too young to be married. He had already promised her in marriage to the son ...

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